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Student Experience Studying Esports Management in the UK

Jude Lewington • Jun 09, 2024

Personal Experience Studying Esports Management at University

Understanding the Nature of the Course

When I first enrolled in the Esports Management course at university, I quickly realized a crucial point: this is a business course, not a gaming course. Personally I knew that was what I had signed up for but some of my course mates didn't realise the extent of 'management'. If you're expecting to spend your days playing games, then your going to be suprised. The curriculum is designed to impart business management principles, with the unique twist of applying these concepts to the Esports industry. Below I have written my modules so you can see what your signing up for.

Course Content and Application

The coursework itself mirrors that of a standard business management degree. You will study subjects such as marketing, finance, data analytics, and strategic management and then at points specialise more. One choice of module is Esports Law and CSR. However, what sets this course apart is the expectation to relate all your activities and assignments to the esports sector. This integration helps you understand the specific dynamics and challenges within the Esports world, preparing you for a career in this rapidly growing industry.

Modules Year 1/2: Introduction to the Esports Ecosystem. Managing Teams. Managing Venues. Principles of Marketing. Building your Brand. Finance for Managers. Methods in Research and Project. Live Event Experiences. Big data analytics and innovation. Marketing Communications Planning. Contempoary Esports Management Issues.

Modules Year 3 (all options): Esports Leadership. Law and CSR in Esports. Media and Broadcasting in Esports. Marketing Strategy and Leadership.

Alongside 2 of these modules per semester we do a dissertation. 

Networking: An Essential Component

Networking is a valuable skill in any industry, but in Esports, it’s particularly vital. Throughout my studies, I had numerous opportunities to connect with professionals and peers in the field. One standout experience was attending Insomnia, a large gaming festival. Instead of treating it as a mere fun day out, I used the event to network with industry professionals, learning from their experiences and making connections that could be beneficial in the future. Take the opportunities your university give you, at the end of the day your paying a lot of money to learn so don't waste the extra curricular opportunities.

The Value of Experience

While obtaining a degree in Esports Management is a testament to your passion and commitment to the industry, experience is invaluable. Whether it's through internships, part-time jobs, or volunteer positions, hands-on experience can significantly enhance your employability. During my studies, I volunteered at several esports events and participated in organizing tournaments. These experiences provided practical insights and skills that complemented my academic knowledge. This was something my university really pushed us to do. I think its really important for Esports management as the course is relativly broad. 

Interdisciplinary Collaboration

One of the highlights of studying was the close collaboration with students from other degrees. This is a massive benefit of Esports Management you can socialise with loads of different courses. Personally I live with two lads now that I met from different courses. I frequently worked with peers from events management, sports management, media studies, marketing, and economics. This interdisciplinary approach not only enriched my learning experience but also helped me develop a more holistic understanding of the business landscape. Working on joint projects and sharing perspectives broadens your skills and prepares you for the multifaceted nature of the Esports industry.

The Importance of Industry-Specific Instruction

One of the most valuable aspects of my Esports Management course was having an instructor with direct experience in the Esports industry during my first year. This teacher brought a wealth of practical knowledge and firsthand insights, providing real-world examples and case studies that bridged the gap between academic concepts and industry application. Their advice on navigating unique challenges in Esports was invaluable. However, in my second year, the absence of an esports-specific instructor made the coursework more challenging. The generalized teaching approach, while proficient in business management, lacked the tailored insights necessary for directly relating the material to the Esports industry, impacting my engagement and motivation. So this was the best and worst part of my course. If your reading this blog and considering studying Esports Management I heavily suggest you find out if the teachers actually understand Esports.

Final Words

Studying Esports Management has been an interesting experience to say the least. The course’s strong business foundation, combined with its industry-specific applications, provides a solid preparation for a career in business. Emphasizing the importance of networking and gaining practical experience in Esports has also been crucial in shaping my professional journey. For any student passionate about esports and looking to build a career in this dynamic field, an Esports Management degree offers a comprehensive and engaging pathway to achieve your goals. I would say to study this you have to be confident and willing to go beyond just turning up to lectures. Hopefully this advice will be useful to someone if you have any questions ive added my LinkedIn below. 

- Jude Lewington

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